Thursday, December 20, 2007

Winter Time Blues

I don't know about the rest of you but the winter time season (December - beginning of March) for me one is one of the tougher seasons to get through. Could be the lack of sunlight, could be the holiday season (Christmas, New Years and Valentines Day) and that I don't have anyone special to spend it with, which maybe taken a toll on me over the years. Many of friends and family are either married or long-term relationships and social functions can sometimes suck. Today one of my good friends made and excellent point as I am sure many of my friends have made in the past that "Dude it is not the end of the world and that your someone special will come. You have your health, you have good friends and your doing well at school which it took guts to go back to. Look at the good things that are happening, your an awesome person" To that friend and all my other friends thank you for your hear and support and I am going to make an effort to see the postive side of things.

Well today on a more postive note I had a cool day. I Spent the day at Casa Loma (an awsome Toronto landmark). Casa Loma is the former

estate of Sir Henry Mill Pellatt who was a Toronto financer, industrialist and military man. He built this Castle overlooking the City of Toronto for him and his wife but financial misfortune caused him to abondon the castle. One cool thing about this castle is that there are secret passages through out the Castle. It is a great place to visit and I highly recommend it. And as always I appeciate feedback.

In the Evening I went to Yuk Yuks (the down town Toronto location 224 Richmond St W).I had a good laugh and was with good company (Thanks Karen for those awsome tickets). Humor is an interesting thing for me I think I need to be able to relate to the jokes. I tend to like jokes about everyday life or things that i myself have experienced for example Dane Cook has jokes about the BK lounge and monopoly for me what makes them so funny is I am able to relate to the jokes but hey thats my opinion.

Finally I want to say a few words about Jamie Lynn Spears becoming pregnant. Teen pregnancies do occur I fully acknowledge that but Jamie Lynn spears has a show on family channel (Zoey 101). Little girls look up to her and by her becoming pregnant she does not provide a positive role model. The media at times may focuses in on insignificant things but and at other times focus on issues of importance. This issue is a grey area but at the same time something that needs to be discussed. Many celebrities have become poor role models for children and this I think is something that should be examined.


K-Rock said...

P.S. It's Casa Loma, not Castle Loma :P Means "House on the Hill" in Spanish.

Sorry...I'm an English Major, I hate typos. You know that :P

J-DUB said...

Thanks for noticing that, it has been corrected