Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

I just wanted to start by saying Merry Christmas to everyone. Christmas is suppose to be a time of peace and harmony so i was deeply disturbed to learn that one of my best friends had her purse stolen on Christmas Eve. What has our society turned into, where is the humanity the honesty, where has the Sincerity, caring and thoughtfulness gone? It is a question I am sure that does not have a simple or easy answer.

On a similar thought one of my gifts for Christmas was the newest book by Bill Clinton entitled Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World. I hope to be able to say more once I begin to read it. But reading the inside cover it urges us as individuals to seek out ways to help regardless or income age or time. Something i think we sometimes overlook as individuals. I am looking forward reading this book.

I want to end this message with a quote from one of my favourite movies the Shawshank Redemption "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies"

1 comment:

K-Rock said...

Thanks for the words of support. I'm still in shock to be honest. But it does help to have great friends like you. Thanks again, Merry Christmas :)

P.S. This was still one of the best Christmases ever...