Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years

I would like to start of by wishing everyone a Happy New Year and hope that 08 brings you happiness. I would like to say that I had a pretty good New Years in Niagara Falls the weather for the most part held up and hanging out with My Best friend was cool. For those who have looked at my other blogs I did take the opportunity to gamble at the Casino and won a little but it was gone by the night was gone (Thanks Cliffton Hill). Had a dink or two (since I was the DD) the champange at Midnight by the falls was cool.

As 08 begins I have things to look forward to some scary and some exciting. In June knock on wood I will graduate this is exciting for me because for I see this as an achievement and one that I will remember. I do not think I will regret going back to school I learned some cool stuff and meant some awesome people. But what is scary is the fact that I am heading back to the real world, hoping that the new skills that I have gained will help me succeed in this ever changing in the ever changing world that we live in.

Of course New Years is a chance where we can start fresh and forget about all the things that happened in the previous year, making new goals for our life or maybe trying to fix bad habits. I have some of both little things but at the same time important to me (eat better and exercise more are some). But to all those who have goals, good luck. But more important make 08 one to remember. But I am always better at giving advice then taking my own.

One thing that I learned in 07 well in theory anyway is who your friends really are and I owe that to those Friends who helped to pick me up when I was down and who have continue to encourage me to work harder, to achieve higher. As well that sometimes things just take time to sort themselves out, that good things come to those that wait. (Friends you know who your are).

Happy New Year :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

I just wanted to start by saying Merry Christmas to everyone. Christmas is suppose to be a time of peace and harmony so i was deeply disturbed to learn that one of my best friends had her purse stolen on Christmas Eve. What has our society turned into, where is the humanity the honesty, where has the Sincerity, caring and thoughtfulness gone? It is a question I am sure that does not have a simple or easy answer.

On a similar thought one of my gifts for Christmas was the newest book by Bill Clinton entitled Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World. I hope to be able to say more once I begin to read it. But reading the inside cover it urges us as individuals to seek out ways to help regardless or income age or time. Something i think we sometimes overlook as individuals. I am looking forward reading this book.

I want to end this message with a quote from one of my favourite movies the Shawshank Redemption "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies"

Saturday, December 22, 2007


I know I said I would have a post every day, but I realized I may not always be able to write a Blog, because things happen like the mod club an essays or chilling with some friends or I may have nothing to say (for those of you that know me, that may come as a surprise). But it is true sometimes I am at a lost for words.

For those of you that watch the Simpson you may familiar with the term gamblor. This week I was a gamblor. I went to Wegz (the sports stadium bar @ Rutherford and Creditstone) where i bet on horse racing and lost though i did win once something like 60 cents. Today i played scatch and win tickets and .... lost. I know i was shocked to. My success came tonight in a poker game. The first game I lost, but the second game I won which is sweet. Now all I need is the Miami Dolphins to win tomorrow, but chances of that are slim to none. But I have hope.

Thats really it for Today. I just want to thank my awesome friends for helping to make my holiday season of 07 festive, exciting and totally fun you have help but a smile on my face and bring back the Christmas Spirt thanks

I am going to end with a quote that was in a Christmas card that I recieved "Wish big - that's what Christmas is for"

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Winter Time Blues

I don't know about the rest of you but the winter time season (December - beginning of March) for me one is one of the tougher seasons to get through. Could be the lack of sunlight, could be the holiday season (Christmas, New Years and Valentines Day) and that I don't have anyone special to spend it with, which maybe taken a toll on me over the years. Many of friends and family are either married or long-term relationships and social functions can sometimes suck. Today one of my good friends made and excellent point as I am sure many of my friends have made in the past that "Dude it is not the end of the world and that your someone special will come. You have your health, you have good friends and your doing well at school which it took guts to go back to. Look at the good things that are happening, your an awesome person" To that friend and all my other friends thank you for your hear and support and I am going to make an effort to see the postive side of things.

Well today on a more postive note I had a cool day. I Spent the day at Casa Loma (an awsome Toronto landmark). Casa Loma is the former

estate of Sir Henry Mill Pellatt who was a Toronto financer, industrialist and military man. He built this Castle overlooking the City of Toronto for him and his wife but financial misfortune caused him to abondon the castle. One cool thing about this castle is that there are secret passages through out the Castle. It is a great place to visit and I highly recommend it. And as always I appeciate feedback.

In the Evening I went to Yuk Yuks (the down town Toronto location 224 Richmond St W).I had a good laugh and was with good company (Thanks Karen for those awsome tickets). Humor is an interesting thing for me I think I need to be able to relate to the jokes. I tend to like jokes about everyday life or things that i myself have experienced for example Dane Cook has jokes about the BK lounge and monopoly for me what makes them so funny is I am able to relate to the jokes but hey thats my opinion.

Finally I want to say a few words about Jamie Lynn Spears becoming pregnant. Teen pregnancies do occur I fully acknowledge that but Jamie Lynn spears has a show on family channel (Zoey 101). Little girls look up to her and by her becoming pregnant she does not provide a positive role model. The media at times may focuses in on insignificant things but and at other times focus on issues of importance. This issue is a grey area but at the same time something that needs to be discussed. Many celebrities have become poor role models for children and this I think is something that should be examined.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Here We Go

So yesterday was my welcome post and I wasn't totally clear about what I plan to blog about. I have had time to reflect about that and I think it is going to be about a mixture of things politics, movies, music, clubs and restaurants, books or just things that either interest me of things I experience.

The Mod Club

The mod club is an awseome club that is located at 722 College street in Toronto (but clubs across Canada have mod nights). They play British and British sounding music and on Thursday night they go live to air on the edge 102.1. The atmosphere is great and tends to bring out a more mature crowd. The two main DJs MRK (Mark Holmes) formally part of an awesome 80's band call Platinum Blonde and Bobby Guy who plays his Tantalizing Trio of Tittilating Treats @ 12:30 which is the latest, newest and coolest British and British sound music coming out, really get the crowd pump and provide a welcoming experience to the club. The sound system is great and the drinks reasonably priced. If anyone has feedback about the mod club I would love to hear it, and for those who have never been check it out.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I am in my last year of university and have decided that since I have heard so much about blogs I would write my own and see where it leads. Well thats only one of the reasons. One of my good friends is doing social experiment for the purpose of a fourth year social science communications studies class and thought it would be cool to do one as well and tell about my experience with blogs and the feedback that i get if any. I will try to post everyday about whatever is on my mind. Well here it goes lets see where this blog goes