Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years

I would like to start of by wishing everyone a Happy New Year and hope that 08 brings you happiness. I would like to say that I had a pretty good New Years in Niagara Falls the weather for the most part held up and hanging out with My Best friend was cool. For those who have looked at my other blogs I did take the opportunity to gamble at the Casino and won a little but it was gone by the night was gone (Thanks Cliffton Hill). Had a dink or two (since I was the DD) the champange at Midnight by the falls was cool.

As 08 begins I have things to look forward to some scary and some exciting. In June knock on wood I will graduate this is exciting for me because for I see this as an achievement and one that I will remember. I do not think I will regret going back to school I learned some cool stuff and meant some awesome people. But what is scary is the fact that I am heading back to the real world, hoping that the new skills that I have gained will help me succeed in this ever changing in the ever changing world that we live in.

Of course New Years is a chance where we can start fresh and forget about all the things that happened in the previous year, making new goals for our life or maybe trying to fix bad habits. I have some of both little things but at the same time important to me (eat better and exercise more are some). But to all those who have goals, good luck. But more important make 08 one to remember. But I am always better at giving advice then taking my own.

One thing that I learned in 07 well in theory anyway is who your friends really are and I owe that to those Friends who helped to pick me up when I was down and who have continue to encourage me to work harder, to achieve higher. As well that sometimes things just take time to sort themselves out, that good things come to those that wait. (Friends you know who your are).

Happy New Year :)